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About Dr. Jalana Harris

Working with me looks like challenging norms and hegemony; I help you define yourself for yourself and free yourself from the rules and socialization that keep so many of us bound to familiar and unhelpful patterns and behaviors.

Dr. Jalana Harris is a licensed clinical social worker with a Ph.D. in Social Welfare. She is trained in multiple trauma-focused treatments (IFS, EMDR, Brainspotting) and third-wave therapeutic approaches (DBT, ACT) that integrate mind, body, and spirit. As an abolitionist and womanist, her clinical focus is liberation and soul healing.

Are you ready to take the first step?

How do your own core values shape your approach to therapy?

Root Salve is dedicated to the radical healing of folx in black and brown bodies. We elevate the embodiment of holistic wellness through radical authenticity and collective healing. Traditional approaches to wellness tend to embrace the medical model, one that is hyper-individualistic, primarily focused on the absence of disease, and advances epistemic violence. Our perspective is rooted in social justice, conscientization, and radical liberation. We acknowledge that our communities require individual and collective acts of resistance as we heal, love, and play. We recognize that narratives of strength, grit, and resiliency often serve to perpetuate capitalistic exploitation and that our communities deserve peace, rest, joy, and ease. We embrace the following guiding principles:


Authentic selves, Core values, Ancestral wisdom, Dignity & Integrity, & Community


White supremacy, Patriarchy, Heternormativity, Epistemicide, Identity-based Prescriptions & Proscriptions


Wellness, Creativity, Relationships, The future, & The World

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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